Tools and Resources

Below are helpful tools and resources related to the business of medicine.

Payment and Practice Help

The HCMS Payment and Practice Help program has been providing payment and practice management assistance since 2000, and we have collected millions of dollars for our members since inception of the program. The program assists members with claims disputes, credentialing and contracting issues, regulatory guidance, etc. by working closely with our contacts at a multitude of agencies including Houston market payers, the Texas Medical Association, the Texas Department of Insurance, Texas Health and Human Services Commission, CMS, and others. The program helps address and resolve physician issues and concerns or answer questions and provide guidance on various topics free of charge for our members. For assistance, contact us at 713-524-4267 or at Note: Make sure to email protected health information securely. You may also fax information using our secure HIPAA fax line at 713-528-0951.   

The TMA Knowledge Center is also a free resource for members and can assist with legal, legislative/advocacy, research services, and other topics. They can be reached at 1-800-880-7955.


  • HCMS Charge Master Calculator (based on a percentage above break-even) - All practices need to establish a charge master or price list for services. Charge masters can be developed in multiple ways. HCMS has created a calculator in Excel which utilizes one of the possible options using Medicare's RVU data in conjunction with the practice's costs.
  • HCMS Work Relative Value Unit (RVU) CalculatorHCMS has developed a work RVU calculator to help physicians determine their total work RVUs. This calculator can be used to track work productivity and to compare one's work productivity to one's compensation. It can also be used to compare work productivity to practice management system reports. The calculator includes the top 50 codes for 40 specialties. If a particular code is not listed within the top 50 codes, additional codes can be entered. To learn more about our wRVU calculator, watch the short informational video below. 

  • Patient Responsibility Calculator - Calculates the amount the patient will pay for a given service or procedure.
  • National Drug Code (NDC) Unit Calculator - This spreadsheet calculates the NDC billing units to be populated on the NDC claim line. For more information on NDC billing requirements, see our NDC Billing Guidelines.
  • Underpayment Penalty Calculator - This spreadsheet calculates the penalties/interest owed on claims partially paid late per SB 418 Texas Prompt Pay Laws.

Resources and Tip Sheets

Health Information Technology (HIT)

  • Information Blocking  - resources on information blocking and how to comply.
  • Six Simple Ways to go Paperless - There are many solutions to improving your practice's workflow. One of those is going paperless. The Harris County Medical Society has put together some steps that could help you create a paperless work environment.
  • HIT Consultants Grid (IT Vendors)  - This grid lists IT vendors and consultants with physical offices in Houston and compares the various MIPS and IT services offered by each vendor. 
  • EHR Vendor Comparison Tools - HCMS/TMA members can access assessments of EHR products that have a solid Texas market base. These assessments include most used vendors in Texas, side-by-side summary comparisons, vendor pricing comparisons, and EHR vendor profiles.

Payer Resources


Health Equity

Employment Resources